Joseph F. Brodie


Research Associate

Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology


Ph.D.; Marine Studies, University of Delaware

B.S.; Meteorology; Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey


Dr. Brodie joined the UMBC Atmospheric Lidar Group in Fall 2016. He comes from a strong background in Earth system modeling, primarily in the mesoscale, using models such as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, along with modeling systems that couple the atmosphere to the ocean, land, and ice. Most of his research revolved around using these modeling tools to further development of offshore wind in the United States. In addition to his modeling experience, he had the opportunity to participate in several ship-board research campaigns in the Delaware Bay, investigating the dynamic physical environment found there. He is currently working on using lidar observations to improve modeling of the complex coastal environment.

Research Interests:

wind energy, numerical modeling, air/sea interactions, atmospheric pollution, cloud physics

Selected Publications:

L. Noel, J. F. Brodie, W. Kempton, C. L. Archer, and C. Budischak. Cost minimization of generation, storage, and new loads, comparing costs with and without externalities. Applied Energy, submitted, 2016.

N. P. Barton, D. E. Veron, and J. F. Brodie. Modeling shortwave radiative transfer through Arctic mixed-phase clouds using stochastic techniques. Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted and undergoing revisions, 2016.

J. F. Brodie and D. E. Veron. Quantifying offshore wind farm power output using wind climatology and the WRF model. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, in final preparation, 2016.

D. E. Veron, J. F. Brodie, Y. A. Shirazi, and J. R. Gilchrist. Characterizing the impact of wind ramp forecasting error in the offshore Mid-Atlantic region. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, in final preparation, 2016.

J. F. Brodie, D. E. Veron, C. L. Archer, J. K. Lundquist, and F. Veron. Influences of wind farm geometry on resource assessment for offshore Delaware using the WRF model. In preparation, 2016.